
Thank you for visiting my free online Encyclopedia of Parrots – I hope you find it useful! 🙂

 My name is Lars Bodin and I have always had a love and interest for birds and especially for parrots. 

When I was a small boy my parents gave me a budgerigar as a birthday present and he became my best friend during my childhood. When my budgie died of old age I bought a Cockatiel who kept me company during the teenage years. As a young adult I got a breeding pair of Western Rosella, Eastern Rosella, Crimson Rosella and Red-rumped Parrot. Later I “upgraded” to larger parrots e.g. Tanimbar Corella, a Timney Grey Parrot and several Blue-fronted Amazons.

When I started breeding parrots I read a lot of books, joined the local bird society etc. in order to learn as much as possible. I started making notes, taking photographs of different species and began working on a small personal encyclopedia in order to organize my notes. After a while I decided to share these notes with other parrot lovers and so the first version of this encyclopedia went live on my homepage in August 1999 (Danish version only).

Since then I have added a lot of new photographs, descriptions, information etc. I have several good friends who also love parrots and they have kindly allowed me to also use photos of their lovely birds. Several readers have also contributed with either photos, descriptions and/or comments.

Thanks to Instagram my network keeps growing and I have met some wonderful parrot lovers all over the world, and several of my new “Instagram friends” have kindly allowed me to use their photos in this encyclopedia too. Thank you so much, it is greatly appreciated!

In 2017 I noticed that my Danish parrot encyclopedia also had visitors from other contries so I started on making an English version of my encyclopedia too. In 2021 both the Danish and English version are undergoing a major update with new layout, better descriptions and more photos.

My goal is to continue adding descriptions and photos of various species until I hopefully someday have a complete encyclopedia of all parrot species but to reach that goal I need your help too: 

If you have photos of a species which are not currently descriped in this encyclopedia, I would greatly appreciate if you contacted me and allow me to use your photos on this site. Your photos will of course be credited to your name/company/social media profile etc.

Kind regards,
Lars Bodin

This is me together with my dearest pet parrots Jaco (Timneh Grey Parrot) and Pjuske (Tanimbar Corella).